Programs and Activities

Messy Church (Not currently being held)
A casual mid-week gathering of people - includes activities for children, music, a short story & a meal. Messy Church is a fresh expression of church for families involving fun. Its values are about being Christ-centered, is for all ages, and is based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.

The Parish of Cambridge & Waterborough Anglican Church Women (CWACW)
A ladies group who meet monthly for fellowship & service to the community. The meetings are open to all Anglican women....guests & newcomers are welcome. The meetings are usually held on the 4th Monday of the month @ 2:30 PM or 7:00 PM at the Church of the Good Shepherd. If you wish to be on our call list (by Email or phone) to receive a notice re our meetings and events, please contact Wendy Aune - ACW Secretary by email or by calling (506) 488-1979.

Bible Study Groups (Not currently being held)
For those who wish to engage in reflection and further discussion about the Bible.


  • There is a bottle refund shed located at the Church of the Good Shepherd

  • Funds raised are used to send local children to Camp Medley

  • Please consider donating your refundable bottles